Jan 31, 2011

bowling ball

USU's Skyroom Restaurant Team...Me, Anthony, Aubrey, Melanie, Maurina... 
Friday was my last day of work, and I actually had to "work"! they have already hired my replacement, I had been training him for the last 3 weeks.  He's a good kid.  I will definitely miss the people, not the job so much, but it was a pretty good gig considering what I was doing and how much I was getting paid. No complaints! 

It will be different to not work anymore (well at a job where I get paid in money)... now I will have a full time job 24/7, 365 days a year, getting paid in smiles, laughs, and hugs.. which is pretty good! :)
I am so excited for our baby to come! 

Jeff was reading a Parent Magazine, and in it it described how a woman feels at about week 38 and I'm week 40, it feels like there's a "bowling ball" in between their legs- reasons why women waddle and can never get comfortable, why we are so slow when we move...because of how the baby is always pushing down in the pelvic area, our muscles in our legs are always sore - making it feel like we just did 1,000 lunges before we start walking, he started laughing and then turns to me abruptly, "is this accurate?"  Absolutely! "ahhh... I'm sorry!"

Monday, Jan 31... I am still pregnant! I have a Dr's appointment tomorrow, scheduled to see the ultrasound technician and for him and the Doc to run some tests, make sure baby and me are OK.  If pass and are "OK" I will be scheduled to be induced Monday Feb 7 (one week after my due date - today- unless I go into labor all on my own before then...), and if we don't pass, I could be induced that day (tomorrow) or some other day depending on the situation, or worse yet, may have to have a c-section. I definitely do NOT want one unless absolutely necessary! ugh.

So today, Monday, my due date, not only am I nervous and anxious about today, tomorrow, and the next couple of days, but I am hoping (and possibly doing every myth in the book to make him come) that My body will go into labor all on its own without any help from the Dr.  In some ways though, I knew he wasn't ever going to be born on this day, I knew he was going to be late, I just don't know how late.

So the other day I got a message from my sister, Mikke, and the girls about their predictions of the baby child's due date, birth weight, eye and hair color, and complexion.
Andrea: blue eyes, brown hair, come late wed. 8lbs 1oz
Mikke: hazel eyes, no hair, but blonde later, Tuesday morning 1 am, 7lbs 4 oz
Ayden: Mon Jan 31, blue eyes, black hair, 6lbs
Norah: Mon Jan 31,brown eyes, 5 lbs, brown hair
Ivy: Mon Jan 31, blue eyes, brown hair, 10 lbs
Lydia: brown hair, brown eyes, Mon Jan 31

I know the day isn't over, but so far the girls are wrong... no baby.. but I'll keep you all posted.

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I'm thinking of starting a blog. A real one. One that makes money. I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but instead of one kid I have 4 now...