Sep 22, 2010


I went to the Dr. yesterday to get an ultrasound, but the appointment lady didn't set it up- I was pissed off, but luckily she had an opening the next morning at 8am. YEAH!

Let me tell you, it was the neatest experience that I've had yet with the pregnancy!- more so than the kicks or somersaults because those just feel like gas.... this we both could see living proof that there is a little person inside of me growing.

As of today the little person is 1pound and I am 21 weeks and 2 days due Jan 29 based on the measurements of the leg, head, and stomach.

The technician asks us if we are hoping on one sex more than the other, we say, "we're hoping for a boy, but obviously if it is a girl we're still thrilled!" then the technician asks, "can you see it?" I had no clue what I was looking at! "the right leg is here, the left leg here, and the... third leg here..." under my breath I say, "oh it's a penis!" and Jeff says, "That's my boy! what a boy he is!" Proud already! ahhhh

We were able to see all of the features of the baby, we know he is healthy and growing just right! Technology is just incredible, and our little boy was very camera shy, every time the technician tried to get a picture of his face he'd put his hands out in front to block his view! so the tech would shake my belly to make him move... it was kind of funny kind of cruel, but it worked... same sort of thing happened when the tech tried to get a proof of his manhood, our babe would cross his legs of move his hands, he's very modest! and deep in thought, hopefully he is excited to be born into our family, not worried! :)

After the visit, we left rejoiced and grateful to have 3d pictures and blurry unknown ultrasound pictures! I'm glad we got to experience that together. I called all my family and believe it or not, they all said, "I knew it!"... blah blah blah... then why did I have to tell you! thanks for ruining our surprise, even "I" didn't know! they didn't KNOW, they just had wishful thinking and we just confirmed it for them. :)

The family is excited for us, and we couldn't be happier! My parents first Grandson! Our first baby! and He's a BOY! (in case you couldn't figure it out)

I'm thinking of starting a blog. A real one. One that makes money. I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but instead of one kid I have 4 now...