Jun 29, 2010

Our time in Little Rock

Well for those of you who haven't figured it out, Jeff and I moved out to Little Rock, AR for the summer, every year we move to a new state for his job. This year we moved the last day of finals which was Thursday May 6, and drove all through the night until early morning when Jeff couldn't drive anymore and stayed in the nicest Motel 6 I've ever seen. Huge King size bed, Huge flat screen tv, and more spacious than the usual. Got a few hrs sleep and drove on. We arrived Saturday morning in North Little Rock. Was able to sleep a few hrs in our apt before he went off to work. Saturdays are the long days, 9am-9pm. And if the guys are working further away, it just means they get home later.

The last couple of weeks that we've been here, it has been extremely hot, and unfortunately Jeff has to work all day in it... he has mentioned to me a few times that some of the areas that he sells in are actually quite nice and he could see himself or us living here. I don't know about that, the heat and I'm not sure what the winters are like here, but the weather is a big NO for me.

It has definitely been a blessing to have Travis out here with us too. He was doing fairly well at the beginning and then we went to Texarkana and since then he has been disappointed with his sales. I know it will turn around for him, and hopefully soon. His trainer from his mission has come out here to sell with him, Lee Anderson, he's a good kid. I think having him here Travis feels motivated and pressured to do well all at the same time. Last week Travis and Jeff went selling together and got one each, which was good because it is usually hard to sell with another person, it isn't like Missionary Work, where having a companion is a good thing.

This weekend, 4th of July weekend, we (our office) is moving up to Fayetteville, AR- and from what I read it is a very good and gorgeous place to live and or visit. I'm actually very excited!

I hope that our apt up there won't smell like smoke, I think that is probably a good contributing factor to why I've been feeling sick since we got here in AR, the other couple reasons may be the fact that the bed is crap, and the weather is HOT. but that's just my two cents.

There are so many wives out here, many more than last year, I haven't really had the opportunity to get to know all of them yet, but the few that I have I really enjoy their company and their friendship. Tara Strong is one of the women that I feel most comfortable around, she is good natured and easy to be around. I have been babysitting and nannying for her, she's got 4 girls: Jasia 8, Mylee 6, Josie 2, Zoey 9mo? they are really fun to be around and I really do enjoy the experience that Tara is giving me. I feel sometimes more like a playmate than an actual babysitter or authority figure, I just look at it as a way for me to help Tara out, 4 kids and all girls can be very challenging, I know because my sister has 4 girls as well, and she says that at times it can be very difficult and at other times it is very fun!

Some of the adventures that we've done while being here in Little Rock, I've gone to the Wild River Water Park, The Little Rock Zoo, The Little Rock monument, The Big Dam Bridge- world's longest bridge ever, the Peabody Hotel for ducks, and the Texas Roadhouse. I know of the Old Mill- which is the same mill used at the beginning of Gone With the Wind, but I've never seen that movie and it doesn't really sound all that interesting anyways. But I've had fun, and mostly have done all these things with the Strong girls. :)

The Peabody Gardens

The purpose of this Little Rock trip was to go to the Peabody to view the ducks, but that didn't start for another 40min, so we had a lot of spare time on our hands..

The hotel had a statue garden near the river, pretty random stuff... this dog looks like it is taking a dump, not about to sprint like the sign said... :)


I'm not sure...

On the River Front overlooking the Arkansas River and looking out at the Spanish Punk Rock Band across the river. A serene moment....

The Clinton Natural History Museum... Jeff thinks it looks like a double wide on stilts...

Little Rock

Last Sunday, Father's Day, we celebrated by getting out of the house and going for a walk, then calling my dad on top of the world's longest bridge! We took our picture and sent it to him in a text. He appreciated it. He even commented on the heat, you could actually see just how hot it was, our faces looked like they were melting... I don't know why I chose to wear jeans that day.

Here is the three of us on top, halfway across, the world's longest bridge. The bridge crosses over the Arkansas River. It was so bloody hot this day, and so it took us a really long time to walk across even just half of the bridge.

Jeff's Birthday! Friday June 11, 2010

I woke up early that morning and posted on the wall the Happy Birthday sign I made the day before and gathered all his presents on the nightstand next to where he was sleeping. Then I went back to bed. Later that morning he got up, saw the banner and the presents. He definitely wasn't expecting anything so it was nice to see him so surprised and happy. Later that night, when he got home from work I took him out to Texas Roadhouse because we still hadn't used our office meal ticket yet, and I knew he was in the mood for red meat. I asked the waitress if they wouldn't mind embarrassing my husband with a song and dance for his birthday. He was embarrassed, but luckily there were other APX reps there that night and they all came over to congratulate him and to wish him a happy birthday. I think he had a really good birthday, I know I enjoyed myself and enjoyed embarrassing him! :) it isn't very often that I get to do that... it isn't very easy to embarrass him either.

After the waitresses had sung and danced for him. Funny cuz his expression says it all...

I'm thinking of starting a blog. A real one. One that makes money. I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but instead of one kid I have 4 now...