Oct 8, 2009

Random but new change in the Smith Household

Sunday September 27, 2009 I dyed my hair black. I already had the dye from a previous shopping experience, so I didn't break the sabbath or anything... Anyway, I needed a change, you know how you get in those weird funks and you're just not sure what to do, well I always take drastic measures (usually my hair-so not attached to it like most people).

As I was getting used to my hair being black, I was still getting used to the fact that it has gotten so long- only over the course of a year and a few months has it grown from being just under my chin last July, to being a few inches below the shoulders in September! Having long hair is nothing new to me, I grew up with it being long- like when I came home from my mission, it was only a couple inches above my waist. The longer my hair gets the straighter it gets and the more time consuming it becomes- so without giving in to actually "doing" my hair, I'd either wear it in curls for half the day and then wear in up the rest of the time... but I had had enough, and so did Jeff...

so I got my friend Stacy Newman to cut it all off for me, she is an amazing hair stylist! she just recently got a job at a hair salon in Bountiful! I'm so excited for her! I love it! I guess it is sort of a pixie bob! I've got bangs again.

She may not be excited for this, but yesterday my bangs were really irritating me cuz no matter how I styled my hair my hair was in my eyes, so I leaned over the sink and with some scissors I cut my bangs, similarly to how she did mine originally. Anyway, they're much better now. :)

I'm thinking of starting a blog. A real one. One that makes money. I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but instead of one kid I have 4 now...