Feb 4, 2011

naturally or induction?

Friday, February 4, 2011... I thought maybe today would be "THE DAY" but maybe it is too early to tell, but I haven't even had a single contraction yet.  I will keep you posted, anything can happen!

My parents will be coming Sunday Night or Monday morning no matter what and Dust will be up Monday evening, so they're both banking on me getting induced on Monday Feb 7; which looks like that may be the case...

Mason is just too comfortable, he likes living in the dark where it is warm and there isn't much noise. :)

 Week 40, 4 days past due, but in the whole scheme of things I'm glad he's still in there, it makes my job a bit easier, for now, even though I am so anxious to hold his little (or long) body in my arms!  I was telling Jeff this morning, "I wonder if when we hold him if the whole idea of being parents will really sink in, or if I'll have to see you cry in order for it to really feel real?"  he said, "cry? why do I have to cry? You might want to change your plans."  (I've never seen Jeff cry, and I'm hoping maybe to get a few tears out of him from this occasion... I don't know why it is so important to me...perhaps it shows he really is human!)

Jeff is taking apart the stroller that Stacy let us borrow, it smells like vomit, (not her fault, her in-laws put it in their garage, and for some reason it stunk) so I have to clean it.  

Next week will be interesting, because then I will have had the baby, My family is only staying till Wednesday afternoon, and Jeff will be gone all day! I will be all by myself with a newborn baby... eek, scary and exciting!

I'm glad that he was able to find a job at Icon Fitness in their customer service sales department, and was able to get hired on at Tax Liberty.  (He didn't think he would like anything to do with accounting, but he really like doing people's taxes)

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I'm thinking of starting a blog. A real one. One that makes money. I'm still a stay-at-home mom, but instead of one kid I have 4 now...