Last week Jeff and I had the stomach bug, and it was horrible! Naturally I just thought it was morning sickness at night time, like usual, but it ridiculously got out of control when I couldn't even drink a sip of water or a bite of a cracker without throwing up- to the point of dry heaving, it was nasty. If you're like me, when you get sick you really want someone to be there with you to hold your hair when you puke, or to just calm you down when you feel like giving up, etc., Jeff wasn't much help because he too was puking out both ends! I probably lost about 5lbs in the one and a half days I was sick.
This week is the beginning of my 2nd Trimester and I thought I would post some pictures of me and my very little (but to me very big) baby bump stomach (got the idea from Breezy)....
This week is the beginning of my 2nd Trimester and I thought I would post some pictures of me and my very little (but to me very big) baby bump stomach (got the idea from Breezy)....
They just don't understand do they...
Congrats love! I'm so excited for you guys!!! You two will be the cutest parents! We need to catch up one of these days! :)
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